Warwick Exton has been announced Frankston’s Citizen of The Year
Congratulations Warwick.
Warwick Exton has been announced Frankston’s Citizen of The Year
Congratulations Warwick.
Last modified: February 4, 2023
Sweetwater Creek Nature Reserve
Frankston South, Victoria 3199
Entrances to the reserve
Fleetwood Playground Entrance
Norman Avenue end of Fleetwood Ave
Fleetwood Noticeboard Entrance
47-49 Fleetwood Avenue
Liddesdale Avenue/Nepean Hwy
Hoadley Avenue
Parkside Grove
Baden Powell Drive
Bembridge Avenue
Grange Road
Action Sweetwater Creek Inc.
PO Box 5294
Frankston South, Victoria 3199
Honorary Secretary: Jenny Hattingh
Email: sweetwater.action@gmail.com
President: Sally Harding
Email: angsal6@bigpond.com
Works Coordinator: Jenny Leary
Email: jennyleary807@hotmail.com